What you need:
Tubes of choice, I used artwork by Suzanne Woolcott and you can purchase her work here
Scrapkit by Twinky, "Cute as a Bug 2" and you can purchase her kit here
Font of choice, I used Galexia Cassiopeia
Graphic program of choice, I use PSP X2
Let's Begin!
1. Open a transparent image 600x600 pixels
Open all of your supplies
2. C/P a frame grouping included in her kit
Create a new raster layer behind the frame
Using your lasso tool, trace along the open area of the frame, seperately
C/P the first paper of choice into selection onto the raster layer
Do the same thing with the other frame in the group
Add drop shadow to the frame
3. C/P the rainbow as a new layer rotate 19 degrees to the right
Drag the rainbow behind the frame/paper layers
Add drop shadow
C/P the cloud/sun as a new layer
Drag behind the frame/paper layer, in front of the rainbow
Add drop shadow
4. C/P the tubes of choice as a new layer above the paper layers
Add drop shadow
Add copyright info and name and you are done!
This tutorial was written on March 29, 2009 at 12:00 AM by Pimp'd Tagz