
Radical You

"Radical You"
I have to say this tutorial was so much fun to write!
It brought back memories of watching Jem! and wearing
sweater dresses with funky mixed-matched socks;
Rockin out with freaky hair do's and listening to Wham!
What you need:
Tube of choice, I used artwork by Elias Chatzoudis, both a close up and full tube, and you can purchase his work here
Scrapkit of choice, I used "Bubblegum Rock" by KikeKa Kits and you can purchase her kit here
Fonts of choice
Graphic Program of choice

Let's begin!

1. Open a transparent image, 600x600 pixels
Open all of your supplies

2. C/P the glitter mat included in her kit as a new layer
Re-size as needed
Add dropshadow
C/P the orange stars as a new layer
Re-size as needed
C/P the sequin star and resize as well
Add drop shadow

3. C/P the star frame
Add drop shadow
C/P the close up toon BEHIND the frame layer
Trim away the unwanted parts of the tubes
C/P the full body tube
Use your photo filters and make the full body tube B&W
Re-size as needed
Add dropshadow

4. Add any other elements and wording you wish
Add copyright info and name and you are done!

This tutorial was written on 02-11-09 at 11:30 pm by Pimp'd Tagz