Things you will need:
Artwork of choice, I am using the artwork of Keith Garvey and you can purchase his tubes here
Scrapkit of choice, I am using "S.W.A.K" By Tammy and you can purchase her scrap kit here
Font of choice, I used 2Peas Give Me Coffee
Mask of Choice
Graphic Program of choice, I am using PSPX2
Let's begin!
1. Open a new image 600x600 transparent.
Open all of your supplies.
2. Apply a mask to the paper of choice and copy and paste as a new layer.
Copy and paste as a new layer, the letter included in the kit.
Add any drop shadow.
Copy and paste as a new layer the frame of choice.
Using the selection tool or magic wand select the are inside the frame.
Go to Selection->Modify->Expand->4
Create a new raster layer over in your layer menu.
Copy and [aste the papers of choice into the selection.
Do not merge.
3. Copy and paste the tube(s) of choice inside the frame and outside if you wish.
Add any other elements.
Apply drop shadows.
Add your copyright info.
And you are done!
This tutorial was written on 01-19-09 at 3:50 pm by pimp'd tagz