
Welcome Spring

"Welcome Spring"

Things You Need:

Tube of choice, I used artwork by Suzanne Woolcott and you can purchase her work here
Scrapkit of choice, I used "Welcome Spring" By Teresa's Scraps and you can purchase her kit here
Font of choice, I used "A&S California Plug"
Graphic program of choice

Let's begin!

1. Open a transparent image 600x600 pixels
Open all of your supplies

2. Choose a paper of choice.
Using your selection tool, circle, trace along the paper and crop to selection.
Be sure you have promoted the background layer of choice.
Re-size as needed
Add drop shadow

3. Add any other elements of choice.
I used her vine-flowers, trimmed the stem and duplicated and rotated several times
To surround the paper.
Adding drop shadow to each flower vine
Be sure to sharpen after each rotation.

4. Add "Welcome Spring" or any other wording using the Vector shape, Circle and applying text to the Vector shape.
Add copyright info and name and you are done!

This tutorial was written on 02-07-09 at 7:50 PM by Pimp'd Tagz