


What you need:

Tubes of choice, I used artwork by Keith Garvey and you can purchase his work here
Scrapkit of choice, I used "Thats Tight" by Danielle Corbitt and you can purchase her tagger kit here
Tag Template by Me and you can grab that here
(This tag template MAY be used with other tutorial supplies, but please direct them HERE to download)
Font of choice, I used A&S Speedway
Graphic Program of choice

Let's Begin!

1. Open a transparent image 600x600 pixels
Open all of your supplies

2. For each layer of the template, you'll want to c/p each layer of the template to a paper of choice as a new selection. Then go up to layers, and promote to background layer.
Then once you have done that, c/p as a new layer to new image.
Add drop shadows as you go
And arrange in the same way as the template is laid out or as you wish

3. C/P the tubes of choice
Trim as needed
Add drop shadows
Add any other elements of choice
Add dropshadows
If you use her i-pod, type your favorite bands over the screen
Merge all layers visible when you have finished
Add your copyright info and name and you are done!

This tutorial was written on 02-19-09 at 12:05 am by Pimp'd Tagz