

Things you will need:
Tube of choice, I am using the amazing artwork by Suzanne Woolcott
And you can purchase her artwork here
Scrap kit of choice, I am using "Breaking Twilight" by Sarah from
Pimp Your Tags With Scraps and you can grab that here
Leafe Cluster, By me, and you can grab that here
(It will bring up a new window and you can just right-click and save where you wish)
Font of choice
Graphic Program of Choice, I am using PSPX2
Let's begin:
1. Open a new image, 600x600 transparent. If you do not wish to keep it transparent,
flood fill it with the color of choice now.
Open all of your needed supplies.
2. Choose a paper of choice, and apply a mask to that layer.
Re-size as needed and copy/paste as a new layer.
Copy and paste the frame of choice.
Now over to the right, where your layer menu is, Create a new
Raster Layer BELOW the frame.
Click on the Lasso tool, and have it set to point-to-point.
0= Smoothing
Using the lasso tool trace along the frame, and then right click when finished to create the
"Marching Ants".
Choosing a second paper, and with the empty layer BEHIND the frame selected,
Copy/paste the paper INSIDE the selection.
3. Copy and paste the tube of choice over the frame, trimming any hang-overs from the tube.
4. Copy/paste the leaf cluster as a new layer BEHIND the frame/paper layers.
No drop-shadow needed.
5. Add any other elements, word-art, etc and merge all layers VISIBLE.
6. Add any copyright info as need, name, and you are done!
This tutorial was written on 01-17-09 at 4:00 pm by Pimp'd Tagz